Sunday, May 08, 2005

The Glocal Book:"The Book of Tea" by Okakura Kakuzou(Tenshin)-No.91

We Are Destroying Art
in Destroying the Beautiful in Life

「The claims of contemporary art cannot be ignored in any vital scheme of life.

The art of today is that which really belongs to us: it is our own reflection.

In condemning it we but our condemn ourselves.

We say that the present age possesses no art:ーwho is responsible for this?

It is indeed a shame that despite all our rhapsodies about the ancients we pay so

little attention to our own possibilities.

Struggling artists, weary souls lingering in the shadow of cold disdain!

In our self-centred century, what inspiration do we offer them?

The past may well look with pity at the poverty of our civilisation; the future

will laugh at the barrenness of our art.

We are destroying art in destroying the beautiful in life.

Would that some great wizard might from the stem of society shape a mighty harp

whose strings would respond to the touch of genius.」(From the Book of Tea, Art Appreciation, Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vermont, TOkyo, Japan, p.87)

The part of Art Appreciation is very difficult to me.

In addition, the Art Appreciation in relation to the Cup of Humanity is much more difficult.

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Picture: Mt.Fuji by Katashi Oyama
Image Designer: Izumi Mori

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