Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Glocal Book:"The Book of Tea" by Okakura Kakuzou(Tenshin)-No.70

The Tea-Room; The Enforcement of
the Principle of Vitality in Art

「That the tea-room should be built to suit some individual taste is an enforcement of the principle of vitality in art.

Art, to be fully appreciated, must be true to contemporaneous life.

It is not that we should ignore the claims of posterity, but that we should seek to enjoy the present more.

It is not that we should disregard the creations of the past, but that we should try to assimilate them into our consciousness.

Slavish conformity to traditions and formulas fetters the expression of individuality in architecture.

We can but weep over those senseless imitations of European buildings which one beholds in modern Japan.

We marved why, among the most progressive Western nations, architecture should be so devoid of originality, so replete with repetitions of obsolete styles.

Perhaps we are now passing through an age of demonstration in art, while awaiting the rise of some princely master who shall establish a new dynasty.

Would that we loved the ancients more and copied them less!

It has been said that the Greeks were great because they never drew from the antique.」
(From the Book of Tea-the Tea-Room, pp.67-68 , Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vermont, Tokyo, Japan)

Not only the Tea-Room, the principle of the way of tea must be creative to all sorts of individual performances.

You have to be philosophical and artistic for enjoying tea drinking and for the life of art.

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Picture: Blue - Green Glazed Square Platter by keitoku Kato
Image Designer: Izumi Mori

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