With A Smile Upon His Face Rikiu Passed Forth Into The Unknown
『The ceremony is over; the guests with difficulty restraining their tears, take their last farewell and leave the room.One only, the nearest and dearest, is requested to remain and witness the end.
Rikiu then removes his tea-gown and carefully folds it upon the mat, thereby disclosing the immaculate white death robe which it had hitherto cocealed.
Tenderly he gazes on the shining blade of the fatal dagger, and in exquisite verse thus addresses it:
" Welcome to three,
O sword of Eternity !
Through Buddha
And Through Dharuma Alike
Thou Hast Cleft Thy Way."
With a smile upon his face Rikiu passed forth into the unknown.』
(From The Book of Tea; Tea-Masters, p.116, Chales E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vermont, Tokyo, Japan)