Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The Glocal Book:"The Book of Tea" by Okakura Kakuzou(Tenshin)-No.30

Drink Simply & Naturally

Striped Poegy by Katashi Oyama「The tea-room was an oasis in the dreary waste of existence where weary travellers could meet to drink from the common spring of art-appreciation.
The ceremony was an improvised drama whose plot was woven about the tea, the flowers, and the paintings.
Not a colour to disturb the tone of the room, not a sound to mar the rhythm of things, not a gesture to obtrude on the harmony,not a word to break the unity of the surroundings, all movements to be performed simply and naturally-such were the aims of the tea-ceremony.
And strangely enough it was often successful.
A subtle philosophy lay behind it all.
Teaism was Taoism in disguise.」
(From the Book of Tea-the School of Tea,pp.33-34, Charles E. Tuttle Co.,Rutland, Vermont-Tokyo, Japan)
I think the supreme ideals of Tea-ceremony is just a drinking tea simply and naturally. The philosophy is that nothing is everything.

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Picture:Striped Porgy by Katashi Oyama

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