Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Glocal Book:"The Book of Tea" by Okakura Kakuzou(Tenshin)-No.81

The Sympathetic Communion of Minds Necessary for Art Appreciation; Mutual Concession

「The sympathetic communion of minds necessary for art appreciation must be based on mutual concession.

The spectator must cultivate the proper attitude for receiving the message, as the artist must know to impart it.

The tea-muster, Kobori-Enshiu, himself a daimyo, has left to us these memorable words: "Approach a great painting as thou wouldst approach a great prince."

In order to understand a masterpiece, you must lay yourseif low before it and await with bated breath its least utterance.

An eminent Sung critic once made a charming confession.

Said he: "In my young days I praised the master whose pictures I liked, but as my judgment matured I prised myself for liking what the masters had chosen to have me like."

It is to be deplored that so few of us really take pains to study the moods of the masters.

In our stubborn ignorance we refuse to render them this simple courtesy, and thus often miss the rich repast of beauty spread before our very eyes.

A master has always something to offer, while we go hungry solely because of our own lack of appreciation.」
(From the Book of Tea-Art Appreciation, pp.78-79, Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vermont, Tokyo, Japan)

I would like to access to the art from my philosophycal sympathetic communication of minds.

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Picture: Olibe Glazed Crock by Keitoku Kato
Image Designer: Izumi Mori

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