Friday, December 03, 2004

The Glocal Book:"The Book of Tea" by Okakura Kakuzou(Tenshin)-No.5

The Mutual Understanding

Acrobat Monkey & His Master by Katashi Oyama

「Perhaps I betray my own ignorance of the Tea Cult by being so outspoken. Its very spirit of politeness exacts that you say what you are expected to say, and no more.
But I am not to be a polite Teaist. So much harm has been done already by the mutual misunderstanding of the New World and the Old, that one need not apologise for contributing his tithe to the furtherance of a better understanding. The beginning the twentieth century would have been spared the spectacle of sanguinary warfare if Russia had condenscended to know Japan better.
What dire concequences to humanity lie in the contemptuous ignoring of Eastern problems!
European imperialism, which does not disdain to raise the absurd cry of the Yellow Peril, fails to realise that Asia may also awaken to the cruel sense of the White Disaster.
You may laugh at us for having "too much tea", but may we not susoect that you of the West have "no tea" in your constitution?」
"The Book of Tea"(Chales E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vermont-Tokyo, Japan) From chapter;The Cup of Humanity pp.9-10

Unfortunatly, we have to realize the facts that the disastrous misunderstanding are still happening in this world. Nowaday not only between the East and the West, more complicated facters are relating. They are sometimes reagions, nationarities, economics.
The technology developments to accelerate the communications among worldwide peoples are not yet enough to make the world peace.
We need more direct communications between the people basis. That meen the tea cult is one of the best way to the direct happy communicaton.

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