Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Glocal Book:"The Book of Tea" by Okakura Kakuzou(Tenshin)-No.6

Harmony-Weak Against Aggression

Stripedporgy by Katashi Oyama
「Let us stop the continents from hurling epigrams at each other, and be sadder if not wiser by the mutual gain of half a hemisphere. We have developed along different lines, but there is no reason why one should not supplement the other. You have gained expansion at the cost of restlessness; we have created a harmony which is weak against aggression. Will you believe it?-the East is better off in some respects jhan the West!
Strangely enough humanity has so far met in the tea-cup. It is the only Asiatic ceremonial which commands universal esteem.
The white man has scoffed at our religion and our morals, but has accepted the brown beverage without hesitation. The afternoon tea is now an important function in Western society. In the delicate clatter of trays and saucers,in the soft rustle of feminine hospitality, in the common catechism about cream and suger, we know that the Workship of Tea is established beyond question. The philosophic resignation of the guest to the fate awaiting him in the dubious decoration proclaims that in this single instance the Oriental spirit reigns supreme.」
From The Book of Tea-the Cup of Humanity pp.10-11(Charles E. Tuttles Co. Rutland,

The Worship of Tea is based on gentle harmony between the human relations. We have to love and respect each others beyond any differences such as East and West,nations,
and countries. "The Tea" also must harmonize with nature.
The equorites of human being are essential in just getting together to drink tea. We hate the aggresiveness and love the peace. Therefore, it is the historical necessity that we, Japan have the constitution to renunctiate the War.

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