Saturday, December 18, 2004

The Glocal Book:"The Book of Tea" by Okakura Kakuzou(Tenshin)-No.11

Building Anew Sky of Hope

Acrobat Monkey & His Master(Lithograph) by Katashi OyamaThe Taoists relate that at the great beginning of the No-Beginning, Spirit and Matter met in mortal combat. At last the Yellow Emperor, the Sun of Heaven, triumphed over Shuhyung, the demon of Heaven, triumphed over Shuhyung, the demon of darkness and earth. The Titan, in his death agony, struck his head against the solar vault and shivered the blue dome of jade into fragments. The stars lost their nests, the mooon wandered aimlessly among the wild chams of the night. In despair the Yellow Emperor sought far and wide for the repairer of the Heavens. He had not to search in vain. Out of the Eastern sea rose a queen, the divine Niuka, horn-crowned and dragon-trailed, resplendent in her armour of fire. She welded the five-coloured rainbow in her magic cauldron and rebuilt the Chinese sky. But it is also told that Niuka forgot to fill two tiny crevices in the blue firmament. Thus began the dualism of love-two souls rolling through space and never at rest until they join together to complete the universe. Everyone has to build anew his sky of hope and peace.」(From The Book of Tea, The Cup of Humanity pp.1 of Tea, The Cup of Humanity pp.15-16, Charles E. Tuttles Co. ,Rutland, Vermont-Tokyo,Japan)
The combat between Spirit and Matter is eternal subject to human being beyond the East and the West. Yet,we have to keep in mind always. But, We /or our status of life phenomenon are the functional status of the well organised matter. That means the Sprit of human is also the expretional functional of the well organised matter. Therefore, we have to uptake energy from outside of the world. The facts are origin of mortal human tragedy to exisistence.

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