Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Glocal Book:"The Book of Tea" by Okakura Kakuzou(Tenshin)-No.7

The History of Tea to Euoropean

With Every Good by Katashi oyama
「The earliest record of tea in European writing is said to be found in the statement of an Arabian traveller, that after the year 879 the main sources of revenue in Canton were the duties on salt and tea. Marco Polo records the depotition of a Chinese minister of finance in 1285 for his arbitrary augmentation of the tea-taxes. It was at the period of the great discoveries that the European people began to know more about the extreme Orient. At the end of the sixteenth century the Hollanders brought the news that a pleasant drink was in the East from the leaves of a bush.
The travellers Giovanni Batista Ramusio(1559), L.Almeida(1576),Maffeno(1588),Tareia(1610),also mentioned tea.
In the last-named year ships of the Dutch East India Company brought the first tea into Europe. It was known in France in 1636,and reached Russia in 1638.
England welcomed it in 1650 and spoke of it as "That exellent and by all phisicians
approved China drink, called by the Chineans Tcha, and by other nations Tray, alias Tee."」

From The Book of Tea-the Cup of Humanity pp.11-12(Charles E. Tuttles Co.Rutland,
As for Japanese history to drink tea, Emperor Saga, Heiann generation was well known to enjoy tea and poem at 8th centuries, said to be brought back to japan by buddhist, Ku-kai &/or Saichou from China,"Tou" generation.
THe powdered tea for the way of tea was brought back by buddist named Saigyou at 13th centuries, Kamakura generation in japan.Since then,tea drinking was spread to many peoples through buddist.

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