「To the latter-day Chinese tea is a delicious beverage, but not an ideal. The long woes of his country have robbed him of the zest for the meaning of life.
He has become modern, that is to say, old and disenchanted.
He has lost that dublime faith in illusions which constitutes the eternal youth and vigour of the poets and ancients.
He is an eclectic and politely accepts the traditions of the universe.
He toys with Nature, but does not condenscend to conquer or worship her.
His Leaf-tea is often wonderful with its flower-like aroma, but the romance of the Tang and Sung ceremonials are not to be found in his cup.」(From the Book of Tea-the School of Tea, pp.30- Book of Tea-the School of Tea, pp.30-31,Charles E. Tuttle Co.,Rutland, Vermont-Tokyo, Japan)
The Leaf-tea is now very popular in our country,japan. At certain sense, it's worldwide expand and many peoples rather favor the leaf-tea rather than powdered-tea.
Red tea and flower-like tea are everywhere at present days.
He has become modern, that is to say, old and disenchanted.
He has lost that dublime faith in illusions which constitutes the eternal youth and vigour of the poets and ancients.
He is an eclectic and politely accepts the traditions of the universe.
He toys with Nature, but does not condenscend to conquer or worship her.
His Leaf-tea is often wonderful with its flower-like aroma, but the romance of the Tang and Sung ceremonials are not to be found in his cup.」(From the Book of Tea-the School of Tea, pp.30- Book of Tea-the School of Tea, pp.30-31,Charles E. Tuttle Co.,Rutland, Vermont-Tokyo, Japan)
The Leaf-tea is now very popular in our country,japan. At certain sense, it's worldwide expand and many peoples rather favor the leaf-tea rather than powdered-tea.
Red tea and flower-like tea are everywhere at present days.
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