「Zennism, like Taoism, is the worship of Relativity.
One master defines Zen as the art of feeling the polar star in the southern sky.
Truth can be reached only through the comprehension of opposites.
Again, Zennism, like Taoism, is a strong advocate of individualism.
Nothing is real except that which concerns the working of our own minds.
Yeno, the sixth patriach, once saw two monks watching the flag of a pagoda fluttering in the wind.
One said "It is the wind that moves," the other said "It is the flag that moves" ; but Yeno explained to them that the real movement was neither of the wind nor the flag, but of something within their own minds.
Hiakujo was walking in the forest with a disciple when a hare scurried off at their approach.
"Why does the hare fly from you?" asked Hiakujo.
"Because he is afraid of me," was the answer.
"No," said the master, "it is because you have a murderous instinct."
This dialogue recalls that of Soshi(Chuangtse), the Taoist.
One day Soshi was walking on the bank of a river with a friend.
"How delightfully the fishes are enjoying themselves in the water!" exclaimed Soshi. His friend spake to him thus: "You are not a fish; how do you know that the fishes are enjoying themselves?"
"You are not myself," returned Soshi; "how do you know that I do not know that the fishes are enjoying themselves?"」(From the Book of Tea-Taoism and Zennism,pp.49-50,
Charles E. Tuttle Co.,Rutland, Vermont-Tokyo, Japan)
In this chapter, the points are as follows.
1) Zennism, as well as Taoism, is the worship of Relativity and is a strong advocate of individualism.
2) Truth can be reached only through the comprehension of opposites.
As you know, the title of this Blog is "Snoberry Rhapsody Over Beyond the Pros & Cons".
Yet, the purpose of this Blog is "Let's search for Glocal Lifestyles"," which is based on eternal truth."
How do you think?
茶の湯文化は日本のグローカル文化で日常茶飯の総合生活文化。しかし、茶道は様式化の故に日常茶飯から遊離をしている。オタピィー茶の湯は今日的な日常茶飯にあって、ハイカルチャーとPOP-Kitschーサブカルチャとの界を紛らかす前衛性の精神を大切に茶の湯を楽しまんとするもの。 志、創意、俯瞰性を大切にする。 ローコレステアラームは低コレステロールの危険性に注目したサプリメント。 国民的な“高コレステロール病”は、高脂血症の病名は消え、脂質異常症と変わり、診断基準からコレステロール値は除外されたことにより認識を改めるべき時。低コレステロールの方が問題との話題を提起する。 オタピー茶の湯 & ロコレステアラームでは既成概念に対して、俯瞰的に茶の湯及びコレステロールについて考える。
Saturday, January 29, 2005
The Glocal Book:"The Book of Tea" by Okakura Kakuzou(Tenshin)-No.47
Zennism; Truth Through
the Comprehension of Opposites
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