Monday, January 17, 2005

The Glocal Book:"The Book of Tea" by Okakura Kakuzou(Tenshin)-No.36

Taoism Versus Confucianism

「The germ of Taoist speculation may be found long before the advent of Laotse, surnamed the Long-Eared.
The archaic records of China, especially the Book of Changes, foreshadow his thought.
But the great respect paid to the laws and customs of that classic period of Chinese civilisation which culminated with the establishment of the Chow dynasty in the twelfth B.C., kept the development of individualism in check for a long while, so that it was not until after the disintegration of the Chow dynasty and the establishment of innumerable indipendent kingdoms that it was able to blossom forth in the luxuriance of free-thought.
Laotose and Soshi(Chuangtse) were both Southerners and the greatest exponents of the New School.
On the other hand Confucius with his numerous disciples aimed at retaining ancestral conventions.
Taoism cannot be understood without some knowledge of Confucianism and vice versa.」
(From the Book of the Tea-Taoism and Zennism,pp.39-40, Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vermont-Tokyo, Japan)

It is very exciting that the individualism was developped at the age of Long- Eared,and Laotose and Soshi.
In contrast, it is suprising that the ideas of Law and customs were in the period of the twelfth century B.C..

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Picture: Acrobat Monkey & His Master by Katashi Oyama

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