Sunday, January 23, 2005

The Glocal Book:"The Book of Tea" by Okakura Kakuzou(Tenshin)-No.42

The Vacuum ; the Whole Can Always
Dominate the Part

「The Taoists claimed that the comedy of life could be made more interesing if everyone would preserve the unities.
To keep the proportion of things and give place to others without losing one's own position was the secret of success in the mundane drama.
We must know the whole play in order to properly act our parts; the conception of totality must never be lost in that of the individual.
This Laotse illustrates by his favourite metaphor of the Vacuum.
He claimed that only in vacuum lay the truly essential.
The reality of a room, for instance, was to be found in the vacant space enclosed by the roof and walls, not in the roof and wales themselves.
The usefulness of a water pitcher dwelt in the empitiness where water might be put, not in the form of the pitcher or the material of which it was made.
Vacuum is all potent because all containing.
In vacuum alone motion becomes possible.
One who could make of himself a vacuum into which others might freely enter would become master of all situations.
The whole can aiways dominate the part.」
(From the Book if Tea-Taoism & Zennism, pp.44-45,
Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vermont-Tokyo, Japan)

It is easy to understand that the whole always dominate the part.

Yet, I dare to say that the essentials always dominate the whole.
In physics, you will accept the facts that quantum mechanics dominates Newton physics.
Quantum mechanics is dominated by nuclear physics.

Glocal culture is based on local culture.

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Picture: Russianblue by Katashi Oyama
Image Designer: Izumi Mori

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